Sunday, January 13, 2013

We got spirit. Yes, we do!

My co-worker ordered these beanies from me. They were inspired by the University of New Hampshire's Wildcat mascot. I used the school colors, which are gray and blue, and put cat ears on them. She gave them as Christmas gifts to a couple of people who attend the school. According to her, they loved the beanies. :)

Maybe I should make more animal inspired beanies...?  Maybe, but right now I am currently working on another project. I am super excited about this... Hopefully, it'll turn out the way I want it to..


Friday, January 11, 2013

Spider-Man Convertible Beanie

I actually made this beanie about a month ago for my sister. She was attending one of her best friends' son's birthday party, and she wore this as her costume. I was too busy with holiday orders so I couldn't really make this available in my online store until now...

And yes, you can see through the eye mask. :)

And I know I should have taken the pictures with my camera instead of my phone but I got lazy. :/

Maybe in a couple of days...


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye. Hello.

Dear blog, I know I have been neglecting you. I have my reasons, which I know will only sound like excuses. Reasons... excuses... Call them what you want, but they are legit.

First, I never thought that my etsy store ( would take off the way it did. I am now constantly knitting or crocheting in my spare time. I am not complaining. It can be stressful at times, I admit, especially this past month and a half with all the holiday orders I was getting. But I am getting paid to do what I love. How can I complain about that?

Second, I was, and still am, a little apprehensive about blogging since being stalked (for lack of a better word- Wait... That is what she did...) by my husband's ex. I understand that my blog is public and with that, I am letting the bad in with the good. But it was off putting to know that she sought me out... to maybe size me up...? I don't know... But I highly doubt she was looking at my blog (all those times) to check out my knitting.

But now that the new year is here, I hope to be a better blogger (among other things...) This is not going to be a New Year's resolutions post... but maybe the next post? Haha! This is a quick post to say good bye to 2012, and welcome to 2013. 2012 was definitely a memorable year, but what year wasn't?


2013, please be good to me and to all those I care about. :)


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Loki Beanie

After watching Thor, I had fallen in love with Tom Hiddleston's Loki. Then, after falling in love with him some more in The Avengers, I have been inspired to make a Loki beanie. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I couldn't really work on it until the last few days. After much trial and error (with the horns), this is my finished product.

I looked up images of Loki online and found various versions of his headpiece. This is the one I chose to make. I could've made the whole thing gold including the beanie part, but I thought that would just look too blah. I chose not to make the horns too long because I wanted the beanie to be wearable. :)

Photos taken by: Phoebe T.



UPDATE: November 06, 2013

The Thor and Loki beanies are now available for sale at :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Just dropping by to say a quick "hello." Yes, I have once again neglected this blog, but I have my reasons... I have been so busy. There have been a lot of family functions and events. And of course, I have my orders.

Orders? Still? Yes, I still have plenty of orders. I'm surprised too, but I guess it's always going to be winter somewhere. LOL. I'm not complaining though... I am getting paid to do something I love. :)

See you at the next post.

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