Showing posts with label ravelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ravelry. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pretty Kinda Dirty Face

Lately, all I have been listening to is The 1975. I actually saw them live back in October when they came to New York, but I want to post a proper blog entry about that so I am not going to talk about that now. This post will be about a beanie I knitted (about 3 weeks ago) that was inspired by one of their songs, "Robbers."

Did I mention that I got to meet the band members? No? Well, that's because I am saving that for another blog entry. LOL.

If you haven't checked them out, please do so.



I'll be seeing them again in December. :)

"Poetry is in the streets, in full living colour." - D.W. Griffith (Birth of a Nation)


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Let's Talk Knits...

I know it's summer and it's too damn hot to even think about winter accessories, or even just handling yarn in general, but how pretty is this scarf?

Image courtesy of: Maryse Roudier

It's called the Gathered Scarf, and the pattern is by the very talented Maryse Roudier. Even her name sounds cool! This is definitely going under My Future Projects section, and I can't wait to work on it. As of now, I am currently working on 3 (knitting & crocheting) projects, which I hope to finish soon.

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