Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Goals for July and August

"... Okay, so, um... like what are your guys' hopes and dreams?"  - Josie Geller in Never Been Kissed


Oh, I have big dreams. And in order to achieve them , I need to make major changes in my life. Lately, I've been thinking about making these changes more so than ever. I do this a lot. I make a list of goals but then fall short of following through on them. This time, maybe if I blog about it, I will actually accomplish them. I will make them realistic and attainable. And if I have to, I will also break each goal down so that I don't overwhelm myself, especially with paying off my debt. I will also give myself target dates, that way I am really forced to stick to whatever it is I need to do to get to where I want to be.

Goal # 1 - Lose 5 lbs by August 09, 2013
Since the husband and I met, I have put on about 15 lbs. My goal is to lose only 5 lbs because I actually lost 10 lbs already. What?! What?! I heard that it is really hard to lose the last 5 lbs but I have gotten this far so I know I can do it! I just need to be stronger. Lately, my cravings have been out of control... I must keep them in check!

Goal # 2 - Pay off two of my credit cards by August 31, 2013
The goal is really to pay off all my debt. Eventually. Sadly, I have quite a collection of credit cards... Let's face it, I won't be able to pay them off overnight. It will definitely take months. But so I don't overwhelm myself, I will just do one or two credit cards at a time. Since this is the internet, that is all I will mention in this category. One can't be too careful nowadays...

Goal # 3 - Organize all my receipts and documents by July 23, 2013
I am giving myself two weeks to do this. This includes checking all those lotto tickets I have bought and accumulated. I could already be a millionaire and not know it! (Hey, that will take care of Goal # 2!)

I think three goals for now should do it. If I happen to accomplish one before the target date, then I will update it, and add another goal or two.

Wish me luck!


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