Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

Spider-Man (Miles Morales) Inspired Convertible Beanie

The Miles Morales version of Spider-Man...

I made this beanie over a month ago, just didn't get around to posting the photos on this blog until now.  This is just another version of the Spider-Man Inspired Convertible Beanie I made here. Yes, you can see through the eye mask as  well.

For more of my projects, please visit this page.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Toadette Beanie

Another "girly" beanie! I made this Toadette Beanie for one of my closest friends (more like a sister), Lyssa. This is actually a very late Christmas present. She had requested that I make her this beanie over a year ago, and of course, because I am the Queen of Procrastination, I only got around to making it now.

I made this beanie using a combination of knitting and crocheting. Originally, I was going to attach the (ball) pigtails to the beanie, but my sister, Phoebe, pointed out that Lyssa may have only wanted a Toadette inspired beanie (just the pink with the white spots), and not an actual Toadette-looking headpiece. Since this was to be a gift, I couldn't really ask Lyssa without giving the surprise away, so I decided to make the pigtails detachable. That way, it can be worn as a plain beanie/beret, or it can be worn as a whole piece- pigtails and all!


I have yet to give this to her, but I am too happy with the end results, and way too excited that I have the need to post the pictures. Since I do no think that she reads my blog, I figured it was safe to post here first. I'll post it on the other social media platforms after I give it to her. I hope she likes it. :)


P.S. - Photos were taken by my sister, Phoebe. Thank you! :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Owl Beanie

Apparently I do not make enough "girly" beanies. Honestly, I don't know why... Is this "girly" enough? LOL.

Owl Beanie

 This beanie was commissioned by a friend... It was to be a Christmas gift for his cousin. If it were up to me, I would have probably added more details but this is how he wanted it. I still like it though... I just wish I took better (and more) pictures, but I was crunched for time.

My friend had also requested another beanie, but I don't know... I am not entirely happy with the end result so I don't really want to post it yet. Everyone else loved it but I don't... I am in the process of making it better, so once that's done I will post it. :)

On a sort of different note, my etsy shop is going through changes right now. I hope to have it fully operational in 2 weeks. I am still taking custom orders though, in case anyone is wondering. In the meantime, you can browse through here:

If you see anything you like, just shoot me a message (preferably via etsy).

I also hope to be able to sell more "girly" items. I am currently working on a project right now... It's pretty "girly." :)


Monday, November 18, 2013

Pretty Kinda Dirty Face

Lately, all I have been listening to is The 1975. I actually saw them live back in October when they came to New York, but I want to post a proper blog entry about that so I am not going to talk about that now. This post will be about a beanie I knitted (about 3 weeks ago) that was inspired by one of their songs, "Robbers."

Did I mention that I got to meet the band members? No? Well, that's because I am saving that for another blog entry. LOL.

If you haven't checked them out, please do so.



I'll be seeing them again in December. :)

"Poetry is in the streets, in full living colour." - D.W. Griffith (Birth of a Nation)


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Knitted Fingerless Gloves (Magic Loop Method)

Knitted Fingerless Gloves (Magic Loop Method)

 Knitted Fingerless Gloves (Magic Loop Method) 

Needle Size: US 6 (4 mm) Addi Turbo Circular Needles (29 inches)
Yarn Weight: Worsted / 10 ply ( 9 wpi )

This was knitted using the Magic Loop Method, which I prefer over double pointed needles any day. I was originally knitting gloves for the husband, but it was too small, so now they are mine. :)

I actually finished this last week, but I never got around to taking pictures. This project took me longer than planned due to my friend, procrastination, visiting. But if I really focused, I could definitely knit a pair of gloves in a couple of hours. Right now, in addition to other projects and orders, I am currently working on another pair for him. Hopefully, going up a needle size would work fit/size-wise. We shall see, I guess...


Friday, July 19, 2013

The 52 Week Money Challenge (Weeks 1 & 2 Update)

Week 01 - July 12, 2013
Week 02 - July 19, 2013

Current Savings : $3

(Image courtesy of: - I'm just adding the red check marks as I go along.

As of today, I have $3 saved up for this challenge! Whoo Hoo! LOL.

In other news, I am currently working on a pair of gloves, and catching up on my "shows." I just got around to watching last season's Leverage, and I just found out that it was canceled back in December due to its ratings falling. Bummer... I really loved that show. Plus, I loved the actors/actresses, their characters, and their onscreen chemistry. :(

Now, let's talk True Blood:
     - Not liking the Billith story line, but I do like the Vampire-Faery twist.
     - Eric Northman, a.k.a. Mr. Alex Skarsgard, still F****** HOT.
     - Still love Pam and her feistiness!
     - Could not stand Tara as a human, but love her as a vamp!
     - Sam's sex appeal (?) is just not doing it at all for me.
     - Lafayette is still Lafayette. Love, love, love!
     - I still find Alcide (Joe Manganiello) hot, but I am not a fan of how his character has been acting at the moment. That she-wolf (bitch? LOL) has been getting on my nerves... She needs to go. Really.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thor Beanie (Knit and Crochet)

I actually started (and almost finished) this around the time I made the Loki Beanie. But before I could sew the wings on to the beanie, I misplaced the beanie. Seeing the Thor 2 movie trailer, I was motivated to work on this project again, and I decided to just start from scratch. The beanie and the wings were inspired by/based on several photos I've seen on the internet.

The beanie was knitted, using a light (heather) gray yarn. The "silver" yarn I found was just not thick enough to my liking. I crocheted the wings using white yarn, and hand sewn it to the beanie.

(Sorry for the low quality photos. I was too lazy -and too excited- to take decent ones...)

Thor v. Loki? I have a soft spot for "bad" boys, so Team Loki all the way! (Also, because I find Tom Hiddleston hot!)



UPDATE: November 06, 2013

The Thor and Loki beanies are now available for sale at :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

We got spirit. Yes, we do!

My co-worker ordered these beanies from me. They were inspired by the University of New Hampshire's Wildcat mascot. I used the school colors, which are gray and blue, and put cat ears on them. She gave them as Christmas gifts to a couple of people who attend the school. According to her, they loved the beanies. :)

Maybe I should make more animal inspired beanies...?  Maybe, but right now I am currently working on another project. I am super excited about this... Hopefully, it'll turn out the way I want it to..


Friday, January 11, 2013

Spider-Man Convertible Beanie

I actually made this beanie about a month ago for my sister. She was attending one of her best friends' son's birthday party, and she wore this as her costume. I was too busy with holiday orders so I couldn't really make this available in my online store until now...

And yes, you can see through the eye mask. :)

And I know I should have taken the pictures with my camera instead of my phone but I got lazy. :/

Maybe in a couple of days...


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Loki Beanie

After watching Thor, I had fallen in love with Tom Hiddleston's Loki. Then, after falling in love with him some more in The Avengers, I have been inspired to make a Loki beanie. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I couldn't really work on it until the last few days. After much trial and error (with the horns), this is my finished product.

I looked up images of Loki online and found various versions of his headpiece. This is the one I chose to make. I could've made the whole thing gold including the beanie part, but I thought that would just look too blah. I chose not to make the horns too long because I wanted the beanie to be wearable. :)

Photos taken by: Phoebe T.



UPDATE: November 06, 2013

The Thor and Loki beanies are now available for sale at :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Hair...

DIY Ombre Hair... And because it's been a while since I last posted something...

 It's a beautiful day outside... Hope you all enjoy it!


Monday, December 19, 2011

So... with my husband and family's insistence, I had relaunched my online store:

For the last couple of weeks, I've been busy filling orders, trying to get it to my customers in time for the holidays.  I would usually do this after I get home from my full time job, which means I am sleep deprived! I have averaged about 2 to 3 hours of sleep a night!  Thank God I have a very supportive husband. :)

Anyway, I should really get back to my orders... Maybe I'll take a break later and blog again. :)

-Pamela Joyce

Friday, November 4, 2011

Recent Knitted/Crocheted Projects...

Some projects I've finished recently.  There are more but I have yet to take photos of them...

Beanie with ear flaps (Knitted)

Beanie with ear flaps (Knit & Crochet Combo - but mostly knitted)
This one was inspired by the flag of the Philippines. (Sorry for the quality of this picture...)

Donatello "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Convertible Beanie (Knit & Crochet Combo)
The eye mask is attached (sewn on) to the beanie. This can be worn as a TMNT Donatello beanie, or if you flip the eye mask down, as a Donatello mask!
(Available for sale at

So I went to see "The Three Musketeers" a couple of weekends ago with the husband, my siblings, and friends... Orlando Bloom is so effin' dreamy! A few years back in my old blog (Hello my fellow Xanga heads!), I used to talk about how in love (obsessed?) I was with Orlando Bloom.  It got so bad and I knew that I had to stop... So I quit cold turkey.  I made a conscious effort to stop watching his movies.  I would change the channel if one of his movies happen to be on.  And I was successful... or so I thought...

I love him... *Sigh*

What do I need to do to get over this crush?

- Pamela Joyce
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