Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Studded Slouch Camo Beanie

Because I loved the last (studded) beanie I knitted so much, I decided to make another version. For this one, I decided to use pyramid studs instead of the random ones I used on my last one. I figured since I will be selling these, I need to use studs that I will have an easier time acquiring. For the last beanie, I pretty much just used studs collected throughout the last couple of years.

This Studded Slouch Camo Beanie will be available in two sizes - XS/SM and MD/LG. The studs are available in 3 colors - gold, silver and gunmetal, which are the ones on the beanie I was wearing in the picture. Please visit if interested.

The studs are available in gold, silver, and gunmetal.



Photo Credit: Phoebe and Me :)


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Hulk Beanie

I made this beanie back in late November (2013). I never got around to taking decent photos though. I made it for a "Superhero/Villain" themed party that my sisters and I "hosted" (inside joke). LOL. My sister, Peejay, was The Hulk. My other sister, Phoebe was Spider-Man. I, of course, was Loki. Duh.

I actually went back and forth between being Loki and Thor, much like my personality... Good v. Evil. :)


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Toadette Beanie

Another "girly" beanie! I made this Toadette Beanie for one of my closest friends (more like a sister), Lyssa. This is actually a very late Christmas present. She had requested that I make her this beanie over a year ago, and of course, because I am the Queen of Procrastination, I only got around to making it now.

I made this beanie using a combination of knitting and crocheting. Originally, I was going to attach the (ball) pigtails to the beanie, but my sister, Phoebe, pointed out that Lyssa may have only wanted a Toadette inspired beanie (just the pink with the white spots), and not an actual Toadette-looking headpiece. Since this was to be a gift, I couldn't really ask Lyssa without giving the surprise away, so I decided to make the pigtails detachable. That way, it can be worn as a plain beanie/beret, or it can be worn as a whole piece- pigtails and all!


I have yet to give this to her, but I am too happy with the end results, and way too excited that I have the need to post the pictures. Since I do no think that she reads my blog, I figured it was safe to post here first. I'll post it on the other social media platforms after I give it to her. I hope she likes it. :)


P.S. - Photos were taken by my sister, Phoebe. Thank you! :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Owl Beanie

Apparently I do not make enough "girly" beanies. Honestly, I don't know why... Is this "girly" enough? LOL.

Owl Beanie

 This beanie was commissioned by a friend... It was to be a Christmas gift for his cousin. If it were up to me, I would have probably added more details but this is how he wanted it. I still like it though... I just wish I took better (and more) pictures, but I was crunched for time.

My friend had also requested another beanie, but I don't know... I am not entirely happy with the end result so I don't really want to post it yet. Everyone else loved it but I don't... I am in the process of making it better, so once that's done I will post it. :)

On a sort of different note, my etsy shop is going through changes right now. I hope to have it fully operational in 2 weeks. I am still taking custom orders though, in case anyone is wondering. In the meantime, you can browse through here:

If you see anything you like, just shoot me a message (preferably via etsy).

I also hope to be able to sell more "girly" items. I am currently working on a project right now... It's pretty "girly." :)


Monday, November 18, 2013

Pretty Kinda Dirty Face

Lately, all I have been listening to is The 1975. I actually saw them live back in October when they came to New York, but I want to post a proper blog entry about that so I am not going to talk about that now. This post will be about a beanie I knitted (about 3 weeks ago) that was inspired by one of their songs, "Robbers."

Did I mention that I got to meet the band members? No? Well, that's because I am saving that for another blog entry. LOL.

If you haven't checked them out, please do so.



I'll be seeing them again in December. :)

"Poetry is in the streets, in full living colour." - D.W. Griffith (Birth of a Nation)


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Knitted Fingerless Gloves (Magic Loop Method)

Knitted Fingerless Gloves (Magic Loop Method)

 Knitted Fingerless Gloves (Magic Loop Method) 

Needle Size: US 6 (4 mm) Addi Turbo Circular Needles (29 inches)
Yarn Weight: Worsted / 10 ply ( 9 wpi )

This was knitted using the Magic Loop Method, which I prefer over double pointed needles any day. I was originally knitting gloves for the husband, but it was too small, so now they are mine. :)

I actually finished this last week, but I never got around to taking pictures. This project took me longer than planned due to my friend, procrastination, visiting. But if I really focused, I could definitely knit a pair of gloves in a couple of hours. Right now, in addition to other projects and orders, I am currently working on another pair for him. Hopefully, going up a needle size would work fit/size-wise. We shall see, I guess...


Friday, July 19, 2013

The 52 Week Money Challenge (Weeks 1 & 2 Update)

Week 01 - July 12, 2013
Week 02 - July 19, 2013

Current Savings : $3

(Image courtesy of: - I'm just adding the red check marks as I go along.

As of today, I have $3 saved up for this challenge! Whoo Hoo! LOL.

In other news, I am currently working on a pair of gloves, and catching up on my "shows." I just got around to watching last season's Leverage, and I just found out that it was canceled back in December due to its ratings falling. Bummer... I really loved that show. Plus, I loved the actors/actresses, their characters, and their onscreen chemistry. :(

Now, let's talk True Blood:
     - Not liking the Billith story line, but I do like the Vampire-Faery twist.
     - Eric Northman, a.k.a. Mr. Alex Skarsgard, still F****** HOT.
     - Still love Pam and her feistiness!
     - Could not stand Tara as a human, but love her as a vamp!
     - Sam's sex appeal (?) is just not doing it at all for me.
     - Lafayette is still Lafayette. Love, love, love!
     - I still find Alcide (Joe Manganiello) hot, but I am not a fan of how his character has been acting at the moment. That she-wolf (bitch? LOL) has been getting on my nerves... She needs to go. Really.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thor Beanie (Knit and Crochet)

I actually started (and almost finished) this around the time I made the Loki Beanie. But before I could sew the wings on to the beanie, I misplaced the beanie. Seeing the Thor 2 movie trailer, I was motivated to work on this project again, and I decided to just start from scratch. The beanie and the wings were inspired by/based on several photos I've seen on the internet.

The beanie was knitted, using a light (heather) gray yarn. The "silver" yarn I found was just not thick enough to my liking. I crocheted the wings using white yarn, and hand sewn it to the beanie.

(Sorry for the low quality photos. I was too lazy -and too excited- to take decent ones...)

Thor v. Loki? I have a soft spot for "bad" boys, so Team Loki all the way! (Also, because I find Tom Hiddleston hot!)



UPDATE: November 06, 2013

The Thor and Loki beanies are now available for sale at :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Let's Talk Knits...

I know it's summer and it's too damn hot to even think about winter accessories, or even just handling yarn in general, but how pretty is this scarf?

Image courtesy of: Maryse Roudier

It's called the Gathered Scarf, and the pattern is by the very talented Maryse Roudier. Even her name sounds cool! This is definitely going under My Future Projects section, and I can't wait to work on it. As of now, I am currently working on 3 (knitting & crocheting) projects, which I hope to finish soon.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

We got spirit. Yes, we do!

My co-worker ordered these beanies from me. They were inspired by the University of New Hampshire's Wildcat mascot. I used the school colors, which are gray and blue, and put cat ears on them. She gave them as Christmas gifts to a couple of people who attend the school. According to her, they loved the beanies. :)

Maybe I should make more animal inspired beanies...?  Maybe, but right now I am currently working on another project. I am super excited about this... Hopefully, it'll turn out the way I want it to..


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye. Hello.

Dear blog, I know I have been neglecting you. I have my reasons, which I know will only sound like excuses. Reasons... excuses... Call them what you want, but they are legit.

First, I never thought that my etsy store ( would take off the way it did. I am now constantly knitting or crocheting in my spare time. I am not complaining. It can be stressful at times, I admit, especially this past month and a half with all the holiday orders I was getting. But I am getting paid to do what I love. How can I complain about that?

Second, I was, and still am, a little apprehensive about blogging since being stalked (for lack of a better word- Wait... That is what she did...) by my husband's ex. I understand that my blog is public and with that, I am letting the bad in with the good. But it was off putting to know that she sought me out... to maybe size me up...? I don't know... But I highly doubt she was looking at my blog (all those times) to check out my knitting.

But now that the new year is here, I hope to be a better blogger (among other things...) This is not going to be a New Year's resolutions post... but maybe the next post? Haha! This is a quick post to say good bye to 2012, and welcome to 2013. 2012 was definitely a memorable year, but what year wasn't?


2013, please be good to me and to all those I care about. :)


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Loki Beanie

After watching Thor, I had fallen in love with Tom Hiddleston's Loki. Then, after falling in love with him some more in The Avengers, I have been inspired to make a Loki beanie. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I couldn't really work on it until the last few days. After much trial and error (with the horns), this is my finished product.

I looked up images of Loki online and found various versions of his headpiece. This is the one I chose to make. I could've made the whole thing gold including the beanie part, but I thought that would just look too blah. I chose not to make the horns too long because I wanted the beanie to be wearable. :)

Photos taken by: Phoebe T.



UPDATE: November 06, 2013

The Thor and Loki beanies are now available for sale at :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Photoblog for April (04.06.12 to 04.08.12)

As I had mentioned in my previous entry, I was going to do a blog entry with a compilation of pictures and events that took place this past April. However, while I was going through all the pictures, I realized that there were just too many pictures to put in one blog. So I'm just going to do it by weekend.

This photo dump will be about the first weekend of April...

April 6, 2012 to April 8, 2012

That Friday was my second year (boyfriend/girlfriend) anniversary with Elo. Yes, we still celebrate that! LOL. And to celebrate, we decided to double date and hit up Le Poison Rouge in NYC with our friends, Louie and Carla.

Oh, and I know that Friday is a weekday... But in my book, the weekend starts the second you clock out of work. :)

(Photos taken with my Canon PowerShot SD940 IS.)

Monday, December 19, 2011

So... with my husband and family's insistence, I had relaunched my online store:

For the last couple of weeks, I've been busy filling orders, trying to get it to my customers in time for the holidays.  I would usually do this after I get home from my full time job, which means I am sleep deprived! I have averaged about 2 to 3 hours of sleep a night!  Thank God I have a very supportive husband. :)

Anyway, I should really get back to my orders... Maybe I'll take a break later and blog again. :)

-Pamela Joyce

Friday, November 4, 2011

Recent Knitted/Crocheted Projects...

Some projects I've finished recently.  There are more but I have yet to take photos of them...

Beanie with ear flaps (Knitted)

Beanie with ear flaps (Knit & Crochet Combo - but mostly knitted)
This one was inspired by the flag of the Philippines. (Sorry for the quality of this picture...)

Donatello "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Convertible Beanie (Knit & Crochet Combo)
The eye mask is attached (sewn on) to the beanie. This can be worn as a TMNT Donatello beanie, or if you flip the eye mask down, as a Donatello mask!
(Available for sale at

So I went to see "The Three Musketeers" a couple of weekends ago with the husband, my siblings, and friends... Orlando Bloom is so effin' dreamy! A few years back in my old blog (Hello my fellow Xanga heads!), I used to talk about how in love (obsessed?) I was with Orlando Bloom.  It got so bad and I knew that I had to stop... So I quit cold turkey.  I made a conscious effort to stop watching his movies.  I would change the channel if one of his movies happen to be on.  And I was successful... or so I thought...

I love him... *Sigh*

What do I need to do to get over this crush?

- Pamela Joyce

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Previous Knitted Projects...

As I am so behind in updating this, I am now going to overwhelm you with blog updates and pictures...  I've decided to break them up in separate entries since there will be quite a few pictures involved. This post will be on some of the knitting projects I have finished... Enjoy!

WARNING: Photo Overload!

Black Hooded Scarf (Knitted)

Gray and Green Striped Hooded Scarf (Knitted)

Striped Beanies and a Black Cabled Newsboy Cap (All Knitted)

Cabled Newsboy Cap in Green and Brown (Knitted)

Purple, Gray, and Black Slouchy Beanie (Knitted)

Pink Cupcake Beanie! (Knitted)

Convertible Black Balaclava: also known as a ski mask/helmet liner (Knitted)
Can be worn in 4 ways (clockwise from top left): 1. as a ski mask, 2. as a beanie and a cowl together, 3. as beanie alone, 4. as a cowl alone

See you in the next entry!

-Pamela Joyce

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Yes, I have been slacking... especially on blogging.  I'll try to do a better job. :)

But for now, I'll leave you an update on my knitting/crocheting projects.

So here goes my (updated) list (not in any order):

  • Peejay - purple cowl/hood
  • Peejay - black slouchy beanie
  • Phoebe - slouchy beanie (color to be determined)
  • Phoebe - black cowl/hood
  • Elo - red & gray striped beanie
  • Elo - red & gray striped fingerless gloves
  • Justin - white beanie
  • Elo's mom - slouchy newsboy cap (color to be determined)
  • Elo's dad - brown beanie
  • Lyssa - scarf
  • Lyssa beanie
  • Roy - black beanie
  • Jan - blue beanie
  • Vin - gray beanie
  • Joy - maroon slouchy beanie
  • Ron - brown scarf
  • Mike C. - charcoal gray infinity scarf
  • Mike C. - gray striped beanie
  • Lowell - gray & green hooded scarf 
  • John R. - black, white, or purple skinny tie
  • Miles -  black & gray beanie
  • Billy - black & gray beanie
  • Archie - black & red fingerless gloves
  • Cathy - black newsboy cap
  • Lyka - black/gray infinty scarf/cowl
  • Theresa - pink & white beanie
  • Marissa  - light olive green newsboy cap
  • Macy - infinity scarf (color to be determined)
  • Lyssa - 3 beanies for her nieces & nephew (colors to be determined)

See you later...

- Miss P

Friday, July 30, 2010

Chick With Sticks

I have been crocheting and knitting for many years now, and I love it.  I find it very relaxing and enjoyable.  I'm hoping that this blog will whip me into shape since I have been slacking on it for the last few months, and I now owe certain people certain things.  Hahaha!  I figured that if I make an actual list of what I need to make, I will be forced to actually make them.  :)

So here goes my list (not in any order):
  • Peejay - purple cowl/hood
  • Peejay - black slouchy beanie
  • Phoebe - slouchy beanie (color to be determined)
  • Phoebe - black cowl/hood
  • Elo - red & gray striped beanie
  • Elo - red & gray striped fingerless gloves
  • Justin - white beanie
  • Elo's mom - slouchy newsboy cap (color to be determined)
  • Elo's dad - beanie (color to be determined)
  • Lyssa - scarf
  • Lyssa beanie
  • Roy - black beanie
  • Jan - blue beanie
  • Vin - gray beanie
  • Joy - maroon slouchy beanie
  • Ron - brown scarf
  • Mike C. - charcoal gray infinity scarf
  • Mike C. - gray striped beanie
  • Lowell - gray & green hooded scarf 
  • John R. - black, white, or purple skinny tie 

I'm sure I missed some people... I just listed what I remembered I owed people.  I included a couple of finished projects in there just so I can strike them out.  It makes me feel better, makes me feel like I accomplished something. LOL.  I will periodically refer to this list, and update this list as I progress along.  If I did forget someone, please remind me, and I'll add him/her to the list.

Here are some pictures of some of the projects I finished.  I have made more, but I never took pictures of them...  I wish I did though...

Slouchy Beanie 1  (knitted)
Slouchy Beanie 2 (knitted);  Model: Macy (my cousin)

Slouchy Beanie 3 (crocheted)

Cabled Newsboy Cap (knitted)
Cabled Newsboy Cap (knitted)
Cabled Newsboy Cap (knitted)

Fingerless Gloves (crocheted)

Cowl/Hood Convertible (crocheted)

Slouchy Beanie(knitted);  Model: Angelo (the boyfriend)
Slouchy Beanie(knitted);  Model: Angelo (the boyfriend)
Slouchy Beanie(knitted);  Model: Angelo (the boyfriend)

Come to think of it, I do have more pictures but they are currently stuck in my inaccessible external hard drive.  Hopefully, this blog will also compel me to start taking pictures.  =P

- Miss P
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