Showing posts with label costume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costume. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

Spider-Man (Miles Morales) Inspired Convertible Beanie

The Miles Morales version of Spider-Man...

I made this beanie over a month ago, just didn't get around to posting the photos on this blog until now.  This is just another version of the Spider-Man Inspired Convertible Beanie I made here. Yes, you can see through the eye mask as  well.

For more of my projects, please visit this page.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Hulk Beanie

I made this beanie back in late November (2013). I never got around to taking decent photos though. I made it for a "Superhero/Villain" themed party that my sisters and I "hosted" (inside joke). LOL. My sister, Peejay, was The Hulk. My other sister, Phoebe was Spider-Man. I, of course, was Loki. Duh.

I actually went back and forth between being Loki and Thor, much like my personality... Good v. Evil. :)


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Toadette Beanie

Another "girly" beanie! I made this Toadette Beanie for one of my closest friends (more like a sister), Lyssa. This is actually a very late Christmas present. She had requested that I make her this beanie over a year ago, and of course, because I am the Queen of Procrastination, I only got around to making it now.

I made this beanie using a combination of knitting and crocheting. Originally, I was going to attach the (ball) pigtails to the beanie, but my sister, Phoebe, pointed out that Lyssa may have only wanted a Toadette inspired beanie (just the pink with the white spots), and not an actual Toadette-looking headpiece. Since this was to be a gift, I couldn't really ask Lyssa without giving the surprise away, so I decided to make the pigtails detachable. That way, it can be worn as a plain beanie/beret, or it can be worn as a whole piece- pigtails and all!


I have yet to give this to her, but I am too happy with the end results, and way too excited that I have the need to post the pictures. Since I do no think that she reads my blog, I figured it was safe to post here first. I'll post it on the other social media platforms after I give it to her. I hope she likes it. :)


P.S. - Photos were taken by my sister, Phoebe. Thank you! :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thor Beanie (Knit and Crochet)

I actually started (and almost finished) this around the time I made the Loki Beanie. But before I could sew the wings on to the beanie, I misplaced the beanie. Seeing the Thor 2 movie trailer, I was motivated to work on this project again, and I decided to just start from scratch. The beanie and the wings were inspired by/based on several photos I've seen on the internet.

The beanie was knitted, using a light (heather) gray yarn. The "silver" yarn I found was just not thick enough to my liking. I crocheted the wings using white yarn, and hand sewn it to the beanie.

(Sorry for the low quality photos. I was too lazy -and too excited- to take decent ones...)

Thor v. Loki? I have a soft spot for "bad" boys, so Team Loki all the way! (Also, because I find Tom Hiddleston hot!)



UPDATE: November 06, 2013

The Thor and Loki beanies are now available for sale at :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Spider-Man Convertible Beanie

I actually made this beanie about a month ago for my sister. She was attending one of her best friends' son's birthday party, and she wore this as her costume. I was too busy with holiday orders so I couldn't really make this available in my online store until now...

And yes, you can see through the eye mask. :)

And I know I should have taken the pictures with my camera instead of my phone but I got lazy. :/

Maybe in a couple of days...


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Loki Beanie

After watching Thor, I had fallen in love with Tom Hiddleston's Loki. Then, after falling in love with him some more in The Avengers, I have been inspired to make a Loki beanie. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I couldn't really work on it until the last few days. After much trial and error (with the horns), this is my finished product.

I looked up images of Loki online and found various versions of his headpiece. This is the one I chose to make. I could've made the whole thing gold including the beanie part, but I thought that would just look too blah. I chose not to make the horns too long because I wanted the beanie to be wearable. :)

Photos taken by: Phoebe T.



UPDATE: November 06, 2013

The Thor and Loki beanies are now available for sale at :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blast From the Past: Random Photos

Just for the sake of updating this blog, I am uploading random photos that were taken at various times in my life...

My love... my baby boy, Simba, playing in the snow...
(Taken on December 27, 2010)

My girls! From left to right: Carla, Peejay, Phoebe, Macy, me
(Taken on January 15, 2010 at Wuzz Up Cafe in New Jersey)

At Bryant Park NYC :)
(Taken on April 11, 2010, courtesy of my sister, Peejay)
There are more pictures, which I will post once I steal them from the sister.  In some of the pictures, the then boyfriend posed as if he were proposing to me... Who would have thought that he will actually be proposing to me less than a year later? :)

Me dressed up as Chun Li! My favorite costume ever!
 (Taken on Halloween 2009 at Taste Of Asia in Queens, NY)

 I'm almost caught up with my orders... Maybe I can properly update this thing before I take the next batch of orders. We'll see, I guess... :)


Monday, December 19, 2011

So... with my husband and family's insistence, I had relaunched my online store:

For the last couple of weeks, I've been busy filling orders, trying to get it to my customers in time for the holidays.  I would usually do this after I get home from my full time job, which means I am sleep deprived! I have averaged about 2 to 3 hours of sleep a night!  Thank God I have a very supportive husband. :)

Anyway, I should really get back to my orders... Maybe I'll take a break later and blog again. :)

-Pamela Joyce

Friday, November 4, 2011

Recent Knitted/Crocheted Projects...

Some projects I've finished recently.  There are more but I have yet to take photos of them...

Beanie with ear flaps (Knitted)

Beanie with ear flaps (Knit & Crochet Combo - but mostly knitted)
This one was inspired by the flag of the Philippines. (Sorry for the quality of this picture...)

Donatello "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Convertible Beanie (Knit & Crochet Combo)
The eye mask is attached (sewn on) to the beanie. This can be worn as a TMNT Donatello beanie, or if you flip the eye mask down, as a Donatello mask!
(Available for sale at

So I went to see "The Three Musketeers" a couple of weekends ago with the husband, my siblings, and friends... Orlando Bloom is so effin' dreamy! A few years back in my old blog (Hello my fellow Xanga heads!), I used to talk about how in love (obsessed?) I was with Orlando Bloom.  It got so bad and I knew that I had to stop... So I quit cold turkey.  I made a conscious effort to stop watching his movies.  I would change the channel if one of his movies happen to be on.  And I was successful... or so I thought...

I love him... *Sigh*

What do I need to do to get over this crush?

- Pamela Joyce
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