Showing posts with label Fit Girl's Guide 28 Day Jumpstart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fit Girl's Guide 28 Day Jumpstart. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2015

Fit Girl Friday: Week Six Update

Weekly Weigh in: -5 lbs. (11.6 more lbs. to go!)

This week, based on my "official" weigh in two weeks ago, I lost a little more than 3 lbs! I started the Fit Girl's Guide 28 Day Jumpstart this Monday with my sisters, and of course, I wasn't able to follow it to a tee because I am a rebel. LOL.

Breakfast for the week: Berry Pie Fridge Oats (contains: berries, vanilla flavored Greek yogurt, honey, chia seeds, almond milk, oats)
Lunch for the week: Tofu & Veggie Power Bowl

Lunch for the week: Tofu & Veggie Power Bowl (contains: tofu, brown rice, broccoli, carrots, chickpeas, soybeans, red beans, kale)

Dinner Choice #1: Sweet Potato Street Tacos (contains: sweet potatoes, mushrooms, onions, spinach, avocado)

Dinner Choice # 2: Pita Pizza Party (contains: red bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach)

In all seriousness, I did try very hard to stick to the diet except for Tuesday and last night. Tuesday, I had a management meeting to attend... at a diner! I still tried to be good though. I could have ordered a Reuben, but stuck to eggs instead. Last night, I had dinner pretty late so I didn't have time to prep. I just ate whatever was in the kitchen, ready to be eaten. LOL.

As far, as the physical part of the challenge, I was good day one, but didn't do so well after. The weather didn't really permit bike riding this week, and not to make excuses, but I am physically, mentally, and emotionally spent after a day at work so working out is usually not something I want to do as soon as I get home... unfortunately.

While I didn't do too bad this week, I hope to do better next week. I feel so motivated, although a bit hungry... Hahaha! At this rate, I may reach my goal weight in just two to three more weeks! It will definitely be a challenge this weekend since we will be celebrating Father's Day two days in a row! I need to keep my self control in check. LOL.

Wish me more luck!


Friday, June 12, 2015

Fit Girl Friday: Week Five Update

Weekly Weigh in: ???

I forgot to weigh myself this morning. We had a funeral to go to, so it was the last thing on my mind. If I were to guess, I probably gained weight. I did weigh myself Wednesday, but it was in the evening, after a whole day of eating and drinking. I usually weigh myself in the morning, soon after waking up and peeing. Because of this, I don't think that my weigh in that evening was accurate. I probably want to believe that because according to the scale, I gained pretty much all the weight I lost so far. LOL. If I were being honest, that's not at all surprising since this whole week my mind has been preoccupied by a lot of other things, and losing weight was the farthest thing on my mind. I didn't get to bike much, and I didn't really watch what I ate.

But no point in beating myself up over this; Time to get back on the horse. LOL. This Monday, my sisters and I will be starting the Fit Girl's Guide 28 Day Jumpstart. We'll do the grocery shopping, and start the meal prep Sunday.

Wish us luck, and don't forget to check out Phoebe's blog to check her progress! (We're still trying to get our other sister to make a blog.)


Friday, June 5, 2015

Fit Girl Friday: Week Four Update

Weekly Weigh in: -1.8 lbs. (14.8 more lbs. to go!)

That was surprising... Not because I haven't lost any weight since my last weigh in two weeks ago, but because I didn't gain any considering the last last two weeks I have had. As mentioned in my last post, I had been eating a lot of "junk" (take out, microwable stuff, fast food) because the kitchen was out of commission two weeks ago. This past week wasn't any better. What made it worse was the fact that we were supposed to start the the Fit Girl's Guide 28 Day Jumpstart this week!

Saturday was my friend's birthday celebration at Smorgasburg in Brooklyn, which meant pigging out. Good food paired with no self control is no bueno. LOL. Sunday was also spent pigging out, and being inactive, which I'll elaborate more later. The last few days, we celebrated my mom and the hubster's birthdays, which also equaled to eating a lot, and eating a lot of cake.

That's okay, as long as I exercise and work off all those calories, right? Right. But I didn't. LOL. The first few days of the week had been raining, so no biking for me. I didn't get a chance to ride until Wednesday night, and I only did 5.3 miles! That wasn't by choice. It started to get dark, and since I do not have headlights on my bike yet, I can't ride when it's dark. Yesterday was the same thing... only 3.3 miles because it started to get dark.

Again, it was a surprise that I didn't gain any weight. I'm happy that I didn't, I was just surprised. I was almost afraid to go on the scale. LOL. I guess my metabolism is starting to speed up. :)

Back to Sunday... We planned on going biking on a local bike trail, but it was raining all day. Not that it mattered anyway since my body shut down. No, I wasn't hungover. LOL. I guess it's due to all of the physical work put in fixing the kitchen, not sleeping until 5 am, and not to mention, my full time job. I pretty much slept the whole day and the better part of the evening, waking up a few times just to eat unhealthy food (A.K.A chocolates, chips, and ice cream.) This happens once in awhile where I just cannot physically function. I don't like it, but I understand that my body needs it. Does this happen to anyone else? Just me, the weird one, then?

How has your week been? Any luck with losing weight, and/or being healthy?


Monday, May 11, 2015

Fit Girl: Week One

Goal weight to lose: 16.6 lbs. (Yes, the points count...)

Last post, I talked about my goal to lose weight. I had somewhat started,  but I did hit a snag (already???) this past weekend. Friday night, the hubs and I went to Joe's Crab Shack to celebrate our anniversary, and of course, there was Mother's Day... (Belated Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!) Needless to say, I overate. But Saturday was spent culling the garage. It was a workout! I'm ashamed to say that we haven't cleaned out the garage, in that way, in ages. My body ached in places I didn't know could ache from just cleaning. I may, or may not have lost weight that way, but I did feel emotionally lighter from getting rid of all the stuff we've hoarded through the years. We are not quite done... Probably, about 75% to 80% done. It's hard to purge when you have other people's stuff to worry about.

Getting back to fitness and losing weight, this was how motivated I was: I wanted to go cycling yesterday, even though I was in physical pain. Did I go cycling? No, the hubster didn't want to put air in my sister's bike tires. He was too sore. LOL. (But he did promise to buy me my own bike.) The point of this story is that the "will" was there, I just didn't quite get around to executing it. I am three steps closer though to being "fit." The first step is the acknowledgment that I needed to get in shape. The second, is the plan, which I have and will list below... The third, is to get the mental willpower because let's face it, that's probably harder than the physical for some people. The fourth is to do it, and the fifth is to stick with it. LOL.

To motivate me some more, I am currently reading Fit Girl's Guide: The 28 Day Jumpstart. I probably won't follow the book to a tee because I am a rebel, but I am getting a lot of good suggestions and ideas. If you are thinking of getting in shape, start with this e-book. It gets right to the point, and it is very easy to read. They also have other books, which I will probably get.

So here are my plans to get my "Fit Girl" on:

1. Eat in moderation - I do not plan on starving myself, but I do plan on watching and limiting what I eat. I will also try to eat healthier. This will probably be the toughest for me since I love food. There are ways to do this, like cutting off carbs, counting calories, or getting those containers that are made to limit what you consume. I do not know which method I will be using, but probably a combination of counting calories, and "the container" method. At this point, just cutting the amount of what I have been eating lately will be an improvement.

2. Drink plenty of water - I know I do not get the required daily water intake. Probably, not even close... I will try what my sister has been doing, which is actually keeping a count of how much water she drinks. Thank goodness for apps, like My Fitness Pal, it is easy to log your daily water and food intake. It's also easy to count calories this way. :)

3. Workout - Again, at this point, any activity will be an improvement. I plan on taking advantage of the warm-hot weather.

4. Insta-stalk - They have so many Instagram accounts about fitness that it's hard not to get motivated, especially since the 15 second workout videos make them look so easy. LOL. But I don't just plan on stalking fitness based instagrams, I also plan on stalking my girl crushes to get inspired. I know "envy" is one of The Seven Deadly Sins, but what's a little envy if it's going to make you work harder, and be better, as long as you're not hurting others in the process? Okay, maybe "envy" is not the word I am looking for, but you know what I mean.

5. Blog - How is sitting on my ass, typing going to help me lose weight? It won't, but it will motivate me to keep going if I log my progress. But then again, Project 365 was somewhat of a failure, so we'll see... No, I have to think positively... It will keep me motivated.  I just have to remember this success: 52 Week Challenge.

I'm sure I will think of more things to add to this list, but for now, this will suffice. I do not want to overwhelm myself before I even really start. But if you have any suggestions, or ideas, I am open to them.

How do you plan on losing weight?

How did you lose, and keep, the weight off?

Will you join me on this journey?


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